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    Education Agent/ Representative

    Personal Details



    Disability supplement


    The purpose of the Disability supplement is to provide additional information to assist with answering the disability question.

    If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list: Disability in this context does not include short-term disabling health conditions such as a fractured leg, influenza, or corrected physical conditions such as impaired vision managed by wearing glasses or lenses.

    ‘11 — Hearing/deaf’ Hearing impairment is used to refer to a person who has an acquired mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss after learning to speak, communicates orally and maximises residual hearing with the assistance of amplification. A person who is deaf has a severe or profound hearing loss from, at, or near birth and mainly relies upon vision to communicate, whether through lip reading, gestures, cued speech, finger spelling and/or sign language. ‘12 — Physical’ A physical disability affects the mobility or dexterity of a person and may include a total or partial loss of a part of the body. A physical disability may have existed since birth or may be the result of an accident, illness, or injury suffered later in life; for example, amputation, arthritis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia or post-polio syndrome. ‘13 — Intellectual’ In general, the term ‘intellectual disability’ is used to refer to low general intellectual functioning and difficulties in adaptive behaviour, both of which conditions were manifested before the person reached the age of 18. It may result from infection before or after birth, trauma during birth, or illness. ‘14 — Learning’ A general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. Problems in self-regulatory behaviours, social perception, and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability. ‘15 — Mental illness’ Mental illness refers to a cluster of psychological and physiological symptoms that cause a person suffering or distress and which represent a departure from a person’s usual pattern and level of functioning. ‘16 — Acquired brain impairment’ Acquired brain impairment is injury to the brain that results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. Acquired brain impairment can occur as a result of trauma, hypoxia, infection, tumour, accidents, violence, substance abuse, degenerative neurological diseases or stroke. These impairments may be either temporary or permanent and cause partial or total disability or psychosocial maladjustment. ‘17 — Vision’ This covers a partial loss of sight causing difficulties in seeing, up to and including blindness. This may be present from birth or acquired as a result of disease, illness or injury. ‘18 — Medical condition’ Medical condition is a temporary or permanent condition that may be hereditary, genetically acquired or of unknown origin. The condition may not be obvious or readily identifiable, yet may be mildly or severely debilitating and result in fluctuating levels of wellness and sickness, and/or periods of hospitalisation; for example, HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma or diabetes. ‘19 — Other’

    A Disability, impairment or long-term condition which is not suitably described by one or several disability types in combination. Autism spectrum disorders are reported under this category.

    Do you have any physical or mental impairments or other medical conditions that may effect your studies, or in general we should be aware of?*

    Australian Unique Student Identifier (USI)

    Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 will be available in your USI account in 2016.

    When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). One of the main benefits of the USI is the ability to provide students with easy access to their training records and results (transcript) throughout their life.

    Once you create your USI you will be able to:

    • give your USI to each training organisation you study with
    • view and update your details in your USI account
    • view and download your training records and results (transcript) from early 2016 onwards- manage who can view your transcript

    Please note that your USI account will not have your records and results (transcript) for the first year and they will become available in early 2016.

    The USI is available online and at no cost to you, it will stay with you for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is completed.

    To register for a USI please visit the USI registration by clicking here here and follow the instructions.

    By providing my USI I give Gifford Academy the authority to verify and locate my existing USI (this includes if I complete this field incorrectly)

    GA Programs

    Course Selection

    VET Programs

    Please check the latest timetable with your recruitment manager and for potential options of Day and Night classes for our Early Childhood Courses. Please note that all timetables are subject to change at the sole discretion of Gifford Academy.

    Study Reason

    (Genuine Temporary Resident - Statement of Purpose)

    In line with the Australian Government’s student visa application process – please complete a short summary reflecting your individual circumstances that demonstrate that you genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily. Please refer to:


    Overseas Student Health Cover

    (Evidence of OSCH will need to be provided prior to acceptance of offer)

    OSHC arrangements is a requirement for student’s Visa application. Single cover is for student only, Couple cover is for the student and spouse/partner and Family cover is for the student and dependants (incl. spouse, partner and dependent children)

    Please upload a valid copy of your passport*

    (Validated or certified copies are required)

    No File Chosen

    Please upload a valid Visa (if applicable)

    (Validated or certified copies are required)

    No File Chosen

    Other supporting documentation


    No File Chosen

    Other supporting documentation


    No File Chosen


    VET Data Use Statement

    Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 and National VET Data Policy (which includes the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy), Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and submit data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection for all Nationally Recognised Training. This data is held by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER), and may be used and disclosed for the following purposes:

    • populate authenticated VET transcripts;
    • facilitate statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
    • pre-populate RTO student enrolment forms;
    • understand how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
    • administer VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

    Financial Declaration

    Student Declaration - Terms and Conditions

    The personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998 and the health information is protected by the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 No 71.

    I Also Understand That:

    Our graduates


    James L.

    Enrolling in the Certificate III at Gifford Academy was the start of an incredible journey. The teaching staff was incredibly supportive, and the practical aspects of the course thoroughly prepared me for real childcare settings. I've gained invaluable skills and confidence, and I'm eager to start making a difference in young children's lives.


    Maria T.

    I was nervous about going back to study, but choosing the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education at Gifford Academy was the best decision I could have made. The course was so flexible around my life commitments, and the teachers were always there when I needed help or a bit of encouragement. It’s been a really empowering experience!


    Anita S.

    Doing the Diploma at Gifford Academy has opened so many doors for me. The lecturers brought real passion and industry insights into every class, which made learning so engaging. Plus, getting involved in projects with local childcare centres was a highlight—real hands-on learning! I feel fully equipped to start my next chapter.


    Kevin R.

    The small class sizes and personal attention from all the tutors at Gifford Academy made a huge difference in completing my Diploma. It wasn’t just about passing exams; it was about really understanding the material and how to apply it in a real-world setting. I've already secured a job, and I feel so prepared, thanks to Gifford Academy.


    Sophie G.

    Studying for my Certificate III at Gifford Academy was such a rewarding experience. The campus has a great vibe—everyone is friendly and it's easy to make friends. The practical placements were a game changer for me; they really helped me understand what working in early childhood education is all about. I’m excited for what’s next!



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